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About us

University History

Navrachana University was established through the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009 with the intent to offer superior education that befits the high educational standards of the Navrachana Educational Society in Vadodara. The University has embarked on a new educational paradigm that lays simultaneous emphasis on disciplinary education, inter-disciplinary education, professional education and general education.

This paradigm is facilitated by the University’s unitary character and offers comprehensive learning and helps develop T-Shape students who have a breadth of knowledge though general and inter-disciplinary education and a depth of knowledge though focused disciplinary education.


Education is at the heart of human progress. It must be broad and encompassing and prepare students to engage with members of the society. Through a rigorous process embedded in curiosity and drive, students must gain appropriate knowledge needed to be successful, create innovation and foster economic growth.


Our mission is to create leaders who can bring about a change in local and national conditions, and create a difference, internationally through the power of high-quality education grounded in interdisciplinary thinking without sacrificing disciplinary education, while inculcating sensitivity towards the user, their profession, the society and the environment.

Key Of Success

Innovative and inclusive learning pathways with an interdisciplinary approach towards seeking and generating knowledge, and in the process create sound professionals who can innovate by combining knowledge across disparate disciplines.

5 Schools of NUV

  • School of Liberal Studies and Education.
  • School of Science.
  • School of Environmental Design and Architecture.
  • School of Engineering and Technology.
  • School of Business and Law.


NUV integrates into its educational philosophy, the principles of excellence, professionalism, equity and Participatory Management. We propagate a culture of excellence through a continual process of introspection, questioning, self and mutual discovery. Navrachana University (NUV) is reinventing higher education through an interdisciplinary focus that unites disciplinary interests to create a rich and synergistic educational experience.