Navrachana University was established through the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009 with the intent to offer superior education that befits the high educational standards of the Navrachana Educational Society in Vadodara. The University has embarked on a new educational paradigm that lays simultaneous emphasis on disciplinary education, inter-disciplinary education, professional education and general education.
A liberal arts education prepares students to examine ideas from multiple points of view, solve problems, adapt and collaborate. By combining multiple disciplines of study, school of liberal arts expose students to a wide range of subjects. This will encourage them to think outside a narrow focus and contribute to original solutions – all skills that are highly valued by top employers.
Bachelor of Arts : Journalism & Mass Communication
Journalism and Mass Communication program focuses on providing skill based training for the aspiring students of media. This program has an excellent mix of academic training, hands on experience with the industry and dynamic practical exposure. It offers inter disciplinary courses which give them a wide range of career opportunities and placements.
Eligibility – HSC or equivalent in any stream with minimum 45%
Admission Process – Aptitude test and personal interview to assess potential, area/s of interest, confidence, presence of mind and long-term goals.
*UE: University Exam; CIA: Continous Internal Assessment; DSE: Department specific Elective; ID: Interdisciplinary elective; IS: Independent studies