B.Tech Program in Navrachana University has five branches – Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering. Engineering education and profession is a challenging and rewarding for young students who are talented and creative. It calls for developing expertise in designing technological systems to benefit the society. In addition, the problem-solving strategies learned in engineering are readily transferable and they are in high demand in a variety of professions, including medicine, law and business. NUV’s B.Tech education is best termed as “rigorous and broad” and aims to produce technological leaders who are both creative and entrepreneurial.
While the curriculum of all B.Tech programs have some common pattern in the courses, however, every program has educational characteristic unique to its own. The programs have a definite academic philosophy and pedagogy which imparts a distinct identity in NUV’s technical education.We follow a credit-based semester system that is followed internationally and take some time to understand the system and the grading pattern. In addition, the B.Tech program will provides a holistic education through courses in Basic Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences and Management. Science and Engineering education is supported through hands-on work in state-of-the-art laboratories and strong emphasis is placed on concurrently running theory and lab courses so academic knowledge gets validated first hand. In addition, every student receives a strong education in Computer Programming and they get to develop expertise indiscipline-specific computerized tools.
Our education is built on a strong Industry-Academia partnership. The University is founded by Jyoti Ltd., and it supports education at the University. We are constantly partnering with other industries in and around Baroda through our Industry-Connect initiative to forge a relationship where they are equal partners in the classroom. Professionals routinely take part in classroom education to expose students to industrial realities and become professionals. Students also participate in real-life project to receive practical education.
General Education : General education is an important aspect of our education. We place strong emphasis on English, communication, Critical thinking technical reading and writing, environmental science and soft skills. Students get to study Economics and —– as part of the General Education at the university.
Foundation Courses : Engineering is the applied knowledge of scientific principles to analyze, design and develop a new device or machines. It is important to connect science and engineering curriculum. B.Tech curriculum integrates engineering with basic science courses for the preparedness of student’s foundation and for improving student’s understanding about engineering and technology. We place strong emphasis on physics, chemistry, Mathematics and including operation research.
Practical Education : While early education in B.Tech is theory-focused and academic; in the first two year the education is through Experiential Engineering and later years the education is hands-on project based and students apply what gets taught in the classrooms. Upper level students undertake design projects to learn constructing working prototypes that solve problems confronting the Indian society.
Cross-disciplinary Education : Cross-disciplinary education is another hallmark of our B.Tech education. Students from one discipline have a choice to take courses from another engineering discipline. For example Mechanical Engineering students choose a range of courses from Electrical, Civil or Computer Engineering programs. This helps to expand disciplinary boundaries, explore opportunities to fuse information and create new disciplines like Mechatronics.
Interdisciplinary Education : To provide comprehensive and broad-based education we offer interdisciplinary spanning over three semesters and students can choose courses from a basket of electives in management, education, design offered by programs across the university. This helps in the making T-shaped students who have a broad education through cross and interdisciplinary education and a focused expertise through disciplinary education.
Khoj : BTech students join other students from across the university to participate in Khoj – a hand-on interdisciplinary course in social innovation. They explore problems challenging the society, learn from people, engage them in co-creating new innovations of social relevance. This course teaches students important lessons in problem-solving through technology, co-creation and how to detect opportunity to create win-win innovations. They also become a valuable member of the society.
Enterpreneurship Education : All students receive Entrepreneurship education at NUV as we believe in producing “job creators” in addition to “job seekers”. Consequently they take at least on Entrepreneurship course during their education at the university. Students can sign up for additional Entrepreneurship courses through Independent Study and with a faculty to receive education. This helps students become entrepreneurs and also prepare for employment as employers seek out students with entrepreneurial skills.
Independent Study and Extra-Credit: : NUV subscribes to the, “Be What You Want To Be” motto. So it has instituted the system of Independent Study and Extra-Credit. Independent Study is designed to help students undertake self-driven education of interest to them. In collaboration of a faculty, a student can choose to pursue areas of education outside of what gets offered in the classroom and receive academic credit at no extra cost. For example, a B.Tech student wanting to develop a new technology or study a new area or gain additional experience in an industry, can register for an Independent Study course with a faculty and receive academic credits. However, this is only open to students in second year and beyond. Similarly Extra Credit is designed to offer: “more marks for more work” through grades. Students can better academic performance by doing extra work or gain organizing knowledge by arranging an event or hold and attend talks under Extra Credit and receive additional marks. Consult your faculty about taking advantage of this and about how to further your education at NUV.
Civil Engineering : The curriculum is broadly divided into Structural Engineering, Water Resources, Geo-technical, Transportation, Environmental and Surveying. It also lays considerable emphasis on infrastructure management through subjects like Roads, Harbors, Railways, airports, Highways and Buildings. The curriculum combines theory with laboratory work and prepares students to develop and apply technology related to operation and maintenance of the built-environment as well as structural performance of different materials and geometries. Civil Engineering curriculum also includes courses on computational mechanics which is an interdisciplinary field which combines knowledge and application of mechanics, mathematics and computer science to various solid bodies .Such courses are finite elements and numerical methods. The curriculum is composed of the core courses on analysis, design, construction, maintenance and estimation. Among the discipline, some foundational courses such as solid mechanics, engineering mechanics and fluid mechanics are included for preparing the base.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Mechanical Engineering : The curriculum offers students an understanding of and builds expertise in mechanics and of the thermal energy sciences. They learn to perform interactive design tasks using computers and select the most appropriate materials for a specific application. They also become familiar with the chemical and electrical sciences, essential to undertake total design and implementation of a mechanical system. They also learn sustainable methods to design complex systems abs solve technical problems. Upper level students focus on problems related to mechanical and materials engineering. In addition to courses in science, mathematics and HSSM components, the curriculum offers common courses on Engineering Mechanics, Material Technology, Control System, Machine Design Practice, Thermal and Manufacturing and energy conservation.
Computer Science & Engineering : The curriculum places an emphasis on basic theory to develop a sound framework related to computing technology, and it focuses on imparting practical experience and entrepreneurship. They learn to perform interactive design tasks of software using computers. They also learn to keep the ecosystem in mind when designing solutions to technical nature. Upper level students focus on solving problems related to computer science and engineering and materials science. In addition to science and mathematics, the curriculum builds expertise in Web technology, Data structures, Object oriented programming, Database management systems, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Computer Networking, Programming using .NET, Information Security, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile computing, Data Analytics, Compiler design, Sensors and Cloud Computing, Network and Embedded System Security
Information Technology : This discipline is a very dynamic discipline having paradigm shift in technology on regular basis. Technologies like Internet of Things, Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning were unheard before few years, but today, these technologies are impacting each sector from manufacturing to marketing and from healthcare to construction. In the contemporary world of globalization, it is mandatory for students to know two extreme ends of the technology i.e. basic fundamentals and latest advancements or inventions, for example, a subject like data science demands thorough understanding of classic and discrete mathematics. As technology is changing rapidly in information technology domain, our primary focus is on developing adaptable IT professionals who can acclimatize to any new future technology. Information Technology curriculum designed in coordination with industry experts will facilitate to provide industry ready professionals. Super-specialization offered to students in latest technologies like IoT, Data Science, Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Networking will bridge gap between academic and industry. Our vision is to create IT professionals who make a positive difference to the society.The courses are made up of theory classes and labs; one credit of class equals one contact hour per week of instruction and one half credit lab equals half hour in the laboratory. The evaluation process in theory and laboratory observe a continuous evaluation system and end semester evaluation system.